Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with statsmodels

Josef Perktold

about me

  • applied econometrics, computer science (Master)
  • economic theory (PhD)
  • software for statistics and economtrics
    • user-developer with various packages and with GAUSS, Matlab, Python
    • scipy.stats
    • statsmodels
  • "self-taught statistician"

about statsmodels

  • precursor: scipy.stats.models
  • 7 years of development
  • started with GSOC Skipper Seabold
  • slow and steady growth since then
  • GSOC Chad Fulton statespace models
  • open source, BSD licensed
  • ~ 130,000 LOC of Python (including some Cython)

Brief Overview - Time Series Analysis in Statsmodels

  • Data Handling through Pandas
  • statistics
    • acf, pacf
    • filters, seasonal decomposition
    • hypothesis tests: unit root, Granger causality
  • VAR (vector autoregressive models)
  • new statespace models
    • ...
  • postestimation: predict, impulse response, hypothesis testing

two GSOC projects in 2016 for TSA

Forecasting with SARIMAX models

Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average models with eXplanatory variables

alternate text


OLS with serially correlated errors


Transformation to Stationarity

Fitting and Selecting Models

Prediction and Forecasting

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import seaborn as sns

import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf  
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import pacf
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose
#plt.interactive(False)   # otherwise interactive(False)

El Nino temperature data

In [3]:
from statsmodels.datasets.elnino import load_pandas

datadf = load_pandas()
temperature = np.asarray(datadf.data.iloc[:, 1:]).ravel()
nobs = len(temperature)
index = pd.date_range("1950-01-01", periods=nobs, freq='MS')
months = np.tile(np.arange(12), nobs // 12)
df_el = pd.DataFrame({'temperature': temperature, 'month': months}, index=index)
month temperature
2010-08-01 7 19.49
2010-09-01 8 19.28
2010-10-01 9 19.73
2010-11-01 10 20.44
2010-12-01 11 22.07
In [4]:
ax = df_el['temperature'].plot()
ax.figure.set_size_inches(12, 8)
ax.set_title('Temperature', fontsize=18)
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xb0a39b0>
In [5]:
ax = df_el['temperature'].iloc[-12*5:].plot(style='-o')
ax.figure.set_size_inches(12, 8)
_ = ax.set_title('Temperature', fontsize=18)
In [6]:
res_ols = sm.formula.ols('temperature ~ C(month)', df_el.iloc[:-3*12]).fit()
predicted = res_ols.predict(df_el.iloc[-3*12:])
fitted = res_ols.fittedvalues.loc['2005-12-01':]  # 5 years
In [7]:
ax = df_el['temperature'].iloc[-12*5:].plot(style='-o')
ax.figure.set_size_inches(12, 6)
fitted.plot(lw=2, color='r')
predicted.plot(lw=2, color='r')
ax.vlines(predicted.index[0], lw=4, alpha=0.25, *ax.get_ylim())
_ = ax.set_title('Constant Seasonal Pattern - fitted and predicted', fontsize=18)
In [8]:
ax = res_ols.resid.iloc[-5*12:].plot(style='-o',figsize=(12,8))
_ = ax.set_title('Residuals insample', fontsize=18)
In [10]:
_ = cfplot(res_ols.resid, lags=36)
In [11]:
import patsy
y, x = patsy.dmatrices('temperature ~ C(month)', df_el, return_type='dataframe')
res_arma = sm.tsa.ARMA(y, order=(2, 1), exog=x.iloc[:, 1:]).fit()
In [12]:
                              ARMA Model Results                              
Dep. Variable:            temperature   No. Observations:                  732
Model:                     ARMA(2, 1)   Log Likelihood                -414.032
Method:                       css-mle   S.D. of innovations              0.425
Date:                Thu, 02 Jun 2016   AIC                            860.064
Time:                        15:24:59   BIC                            933.597
Sample:                    01-01-1950   HQIC                           888.430
                         - 12-01-2010                                         
                        coef    std err          z      P>|z|      [0.025      0.975]
const                24.3818      0.156    156.691      0.000      24.077      24.687
C(month)[T.1]         1.4486      0.055     26.240      0.000       1.340       1.557
C(month)[T.2]         1.8576      0.082     22.683      0.000       1.697       2.018
C(month)[T.3]         0.9966      0.100      9.948      0.000       0.800       1.193
C(month)[T.4]        -0.2283      0.112     -2.034      0.042      -0.448      -0.008
C(month)[T.5]        -1.5569      0.119    -13.076      0.000      -1.790      -1.324
C(month)[T.6]        -2.6479      0.121    -21.827      0.000      -2.886      -2.410
C(month)[T.7]        -3.5504      0.119    -29.805      0.000      -3.784      -3.317
C(month)[T.8]        -3.8111      0.112    -33.934      0.000      -4.031      -3.591
C(month)[T.9]        -3.5347      0.100    -35.229      0.000      -3.731      -3.338
C(month)[T.10]       -2.8756      0.082    -35.012      0.000      -3.037      -2.715
C(month)[T.11]       -1.7094      0.056    -30.741      0.000      -1.818      -1.600
ar.L1.temperature     1.3572      0.177      7.649      0.000       1.009       1.705
ar.L2.temperature    -0.4388      0.161     -2.723      0.007      -0.755      -0.123
ma.L1.temperature    -0.2634      0.193     -1.363      0.173      -0.642       0.115
                 Real           Imaginary           Modulus         Frequency
AR.1            1.2109           +0.0000j            1.2109            0.0000
AR.2            1.8819           +0.0000j            1.8819            0.0000
MA.1            3.7962           +0.0000j            3.7962            0.0000
In [13]:
pred_dynamic = res_arma.predict(start='2008-12-01', end='2010-12-01', exog=res_arma.model.exog[-3*12:, 1:], dynamic=True)
fitted = res_arma.fittedvalues

Short term and long term forecasts

alternate text

Summary ARMAX

y = X b + e, e ~ ARMA(p, q)

use explanatory variables X to model stable, systematic part

  • seasonal patterns: dummies, splines, fourier polynomials
  • trend: linear, polynomial, or piecewise
  • other effects: dummies for special events, outliers
  • explanatory variables: related series that help in prediction, (need forecasts for those, or use lagged values)

use ARMA to improve short term forecasting

  • e = y - X b
  • use the additional information that is left after systematic part has been removed
  • assumes what is left over is stationary


A time series is stationary if the distribution of the observations does not depend on time.

Often only mean, variance and autocovariance stationarity is relevant

no persistence: shocks or disturbances have not long term effect

mean reversion: the long term forecast moves to the mean of the series

Random Walk y(t) = y(t-1) + e(t)

The best forecast at time t $\hat{y}(t+1) = y(t)$ and $\hat{y}(t+h) = y(t)$

Tomorrow is like today.

seasonal y(t) = y(t - s) + e(t)

Tomorrow is like the same day last week (month, year)

full persistence: every shock stays forever

y(t) is integrated, the differenced series is stationary

substituting back in

$y(t) = y(0) + \sum_{i=1}^{t} e(t-i)$

Differencing - Modelling the change

$y^* = y(t) - y(t - 1)$ ~ ARMA(p,q)

Instead of modelling the level, we model the change.

Forecasting change versus forecasting level.

ARIMA(p, d, q) is ARMA after differencing d times,

p AR lags, q MA lags

$y(t) = a_1 y(t - 1) + ... + a_p y(t - p) + b_1 u(t - 1) + ... + b_q u(t - q)$

SARIMA(P, D, Q)_s ARMA with seasonal lags and seasonal differencing,

P seasonal AR lags, Q seasonal MA lags

$y(t) = A_1 y(t - s) + ... + A_P y(t - P s) + B_1 u(t - s) + ... + B_Q u(t - Q s)$

SARIMAX without X

SARIMAX(endog, exog=None, order=(1, 0, 0), seasonal_order=(0, 0, 0, 0), trend=None, ...)

endog is endogenous, dependent variable (statsmodels econometrics history)

exog are eXogenous, independent, explanatory variables

order (p, d, q) is regular ARIMA

seasonal_order (P, D, Q, s) is seasonal ARIMA with season length s

example: SARIMA((1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 12) only AR terms

$(1 - a_1 \hspace{2mm} L) (1 - A_1 \hspace{2mm} L^{12}) y_t = y_t - a_1 \hspace{2mm} y_{t-1} - A_1 \hspace{2mm} y_{t-12} + a_1 \hspace{2mm} A_1 \hspace{2mm} y_{t-13}$

$y_t = a_1 \hspace{2mm} y_{t-1} + A_1 \hspace{2mm} y_{t-12} - a_1 \hspace{2mm} A_1 \hspace{2mm} y_{t-13} \hspace{2mm} + ...$

Model Selection and Automatic Forecasting

Hyndman has several supporting functions in R, auto.arima

statsmodels doesn't have much ready made and automatic

Amount of Differencing

(standard maximum likelihood methods do not apply)

commonly based on unit root or stationarity tests

Lag lengths, p, q, P, Q

loop over set of lag lengths and choose the model
minimize AIC, BIC, or maximize out-of-sample forecast performance.

Outliers, ...

dummies for outlier observation, trend breaks, ...

Example: Forecasting Bus Riders

see blog post and notebook for details


alternate text

In [17]:
seas = seasonal_decompose(df['riders'])
fig = seas.plot()
In [18]:
mod = sm.tsa.statespace.SARIMAX(df.riders, order=(0,1,0), seasonal_order=(1,1,1,12), trend='n')
results = mod.fit()
Statespace Model Results
Dep. Variable: riders No. Observations: 114
Model: SARIMAX(0, 1, 0)x(1, 1, 1, 12) Log Likelihood -268.775
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2016 AIC 543.550
Time: 15:25:04 BIC 551.759
Sample: 01-01-1973 HQIC 546.881
- 06-01-1982
Covariance Type: opg
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ar.S.L12 0.3235 0.186 1.737 0.082 -0.042 0.688
ma.S.L12 -0.9989 39.033 -0.026 0.980 -77.502 75.504
sigma2 9.8489 383.190 0.026 0.979 -741.190 760.888
Ljung-Box (Q): 36.55 Jarque-Bera (JB): 4.81
Prob(Q): 0.63 Prob(JB): 0.09
Heteroskedasticity (H): 1.48 Skew: 0.38
Prob(H) (two-sided): 0.26 Kurtosis: 3.75
In [19]:
df['forecastd'] = results.predict(start=102, end=114, dynamic=True)  
df['forecastnd'] = results.predict(start=102, end=114, dynamic=False)
df[['riders', 'forecastd', 'forecastnd']].loc['1979-01-01':].plot(figsize=(12, 8), color='brk', lw=3, alpha=0.5) 
plt.savefig('images/ts_df_predict.png', bbox_inches='tight')

SARIMAX and transformation

back to the initial plot

In [20]:
df_air = pd.read_csv('AirPassengers.csv', index_col=0)
di = pd.date_range("1949-01-01", periods=144, freq='MS')
df_air.set_index(di, inplace=True)
del df_air['time']
1960-08-01 606
1960-09-01 508
1960-10-01 461
1960-11-01 390
1960-12-01 432
In [21]:
plt.savefig('air_passenger.png', bbox_inches='tight')
In [22]:
air_log = np.log(df_air['AirPassengers'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0xda44b70>

Rolling Standard Deviation - orginal versus log transformed

In [23]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(12,6))
_ = df_air['AirPassengers'].rolling(12).std().plot(ax=ax1)
_ = air_log.rolling(12).std().plot(ax=ax2)

Rolling Standard Deviation - Box-Cox transformed

In [24]:
from scipy import special
ax = special.boxcox(df_air['AirPassengers'], -0.2).rolling(window=12).std().plot(figsize=(12,6))
In [25]:
def box_cox_rolling_coeffvar(box_cox_param, endog, freq):
    """helper to find Box-Cox transformation with constant standard deviation
    returns RLM results instance
    roll_air = special.boxcox(endog, box_cox_param).rolling(window=freq)
    y = roll_air.std() 
    m = roll_air.mean()
    x = sm.add_constant(m)
    res_rlm = sm.RLM(y, x, missing='drop').fit()
    return res_rlm

endog = df_air['AirPassengers']
freq = 12
tt = [(lam, box_cox_rolling_coeffvar(lam, endog, freq).pvalues[1]) for lam in np.linspace(-1, 1, 21)]

tt = np.asarray(tt)
[-0.2         0.62121147]

SARIMAX((1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1, 12)) of transformed series

In [26]:
air_t = special.boxcox(df_air['AirPassengers'], -0.2)
res_s = sm.tsa.SARIMAX(air_t, order=(1, 1, 1), seasonal_order=(0, 1, 1, 12)).fit()
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
ar.L1 0.1996 0.177 1.127 0.260 -0.147 0.547
ma.L1 -0.5999 0.154 -3.897 0.000 -0.902 -0.298
ma.S.L12 -0.6009 0.100 -6.018 0.000 -0.797 -0.405
sigma2 0.0002 1.67e-05 9.120 0.000 0.000 0.000
In [27]:
max_ar, max_ma = 3, 3
aic_full = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((max_ar, max_ma), dtype=float))

# Iterate over all ARMA(p,q) models with p,q in [0,1, 2]
for p in range(max_ar):
    for q in range(max_ma):
        if p == 0 and q == 0:
        # Estimate the model with no missing datapoints
        mod = sm.tsa.statespace.SARIMAX(air_t, order=(p,1,q), seasonal_order=(0, 1, 1, 12), trend='c', enforce_invertibility=False)
            res = mod.fit()
            aic_full.iloc[p,q] = res.aic
            aic_full.iloc[p,q] = np.nan
print('min at ', np.asarray(aic_full).argmin())
m:\josef_new\eclipse_ws\statsmodels\statsmodels_py34_pr\statsmodels\base\model.py:472: ConvergenceWarning: Maximum Likelihood optimization failed to converge. Check mle_retvals
  "Check mle_retvals", ConvergenceWarning)
min at  7
0 1 2
0 0.000000 -764.890953 -763.534483
1 -761.633653 -760.546620 -761.033586
2 -760.518611 NaN -760.842710
In [29]:
pred = res_s.get_prediction(start='1960-12-01', end='1962-12-01')
pred_ci = pred.conf_int()

alternate text

Transform forecast to original scale

In [31]:
pred_ci_orig = special.inv_boxcox(pred.conf_int(), -0.2)
forecast = special.inv_boxcox(pred.predicted_mean, -0.2)
In [32]:
ax = df_air['AirPassengers'].plot(label='observed')
ax.figure.set_size_inches(12, 8)
forecast.plot(ax=ax, label='forecast', lw=3, alpha=.7, color='r')
                pred_ci_orig.iloc[:, 0],
                pred_ci_orig.iloc[:, 1], color='k', alpha=.15)
ax.set_title('Forecast in original units (Median)', fontsize=16)
plt.savefig('images/airpassenger_forecast.png', bbox_inches='tight')

alternate text

Summary SARIMA

persistent features through differencing/integration

short term adjustments through SARMA part

stochastic trend and seasonality

random walking, outliers ?

long-term prediction intervals are very wide

Beyond SARIMAX - UnobservedComponents

$y_t = \mu_t + \gamma_t + c_t + \varepsilon_t$

  • $y_t$ refers to the observation vector at time t,
  • $\mu_t$ refers to the trend component,
  • $\gamma_t$ refers to the seasonal component,
  • $c_t$ refers to the cycle, and
  • $\varepsilon_t$ is the irregular.
In [33]:
mod_ucarima = sm.tsa.UnobservedComponents(air_t, 'lltrend', seasonal=12, autoregressive=4)
res_ucarima = mod_ucarima.fit(method='powell', disp=0)
In [34]:
                            Unobserved Components Results                            
Dep. Variable:                 AirPassengers   No. Observations:                  144
Model:                    local linear trend   Log Likelihood                 383.095
                   + stochastic seasonal(12)   AIC                           -748.190
                                     + AR(4)   BIC                           -721.462
Date:                       Thu, 02 Jun 2016   HQIC                          -737.329
Time:                               15:25:16                                         
Sample:                           01-01-1949                                         
                                - 12-01-1960                                         
Covariance Type:                         opg                                         
                       coef    std err          z      P>|z|      [0.025      0.975]
sigma2.irregular  3.632e-06   2.36e-05      0.154      0.877   -4.25e-05    4.98e-05
sigma2.level      3.352e-06      0.000      0.029      0.977      -0.000       0.000
sigma2.trend      1.663e-08   5.55e-08      0.299      0.765   -9.22e-08    1.25e-07
sigma2.seasonal   8.668e-06   5.05e-06      1.718      0.086   -1.22e-06    1.86e-05
sigma2.ar         7.536e-05      0.000      0.535      0.593      -0.000       0.000
ar.L1                0.8109      0.397      2.044      0.041       0.033       1.588
ar.L2                0.1013      0.179      0.566      0.571      -0.249       0.452
ar.L3               -0.2952      0.510     -0.579      0.562      -1.294       0.704
ar.L4                0.2732      0.338      0.807      0.419      -0.390       0.936
Ljung-Box (Q):                       46.20   Jarque-Bera (JB):                 4.62
Prob(Q):                              0.23   Prob(JB):                         0.10
Heteroskedasticity (H):               0.56   Skew:                            -0.13
Prob(H) (two-sided):                  0.06   Kurtosis:                         3.88

[1] Covariance matrix calculated using the outer product of gradients (complex-step).
In [35]:
fig_uc = res_ucarima.plot_components()
fig_uc.set_size_inches(12, 8)
In [36]:
pred_uc = res_ucarima.get_forecast(steps=24)
pred_ci = pred.conf_int()

alternate text

Statsmodels 0.8

in preparation

0.7 was never really released